About the Novel C Corporation



The Novel C Corporation is a US-based trading company that seeks to use quantitative analysis to harness volatility and momentum at scale.

Founded in Austin, Texas in 2002, the Novel C Corporation is headquartered in Travis County and has opened an office in downtown Austin in March of 2017. 

The company which started its first year with revenues in the thousands has since traded millions upon the NYSE and NASDAQ.

*The Novel C Corporation does not trade or accept outside money at this time.


2002  Novel C Corporation Founded

2004  Entry into US Stock Market

2018  Volatility Engine (2017-2018 R&D)

2019  Volatility Study - Correlation Between Volatility and Predictable Price Action

2019  (Published October 14, 2019) 

2023  Momentum Coil  (2017-2023 R&D)






Since the founding of the company in 2002, the Novel C Corporation has given to Unicef, the International Red Cross and others during humanitarian crises.



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